American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) has secured a $144 million grant contract from the U.S. Department of Energy to build its second lithium-ion battery recycling facility. The new facility will have a processing capacity of 100,000 tonnes/year of battery materials, five times larger than their first plant. The facility will process end-of-life and manufacturing scrap materials to produce battery-grade nickel, cobalt, manganese, and lithium hydroxide for the North American market.
The project, starting January 1, 2025, involves partnerships with BASF, Siemens, Clemson University, and Argonne National Laboratory. The facility is expected to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 operations jobs. ABTC has a strategic partnership with BASF for the purchase of its battery-grade metals, established in Summer 2023.
American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) ha ottenuto un contratto di sovvenzione di 144 milioni di dollari dal Dipartimento dell’Energia degli Stati Uniti per costruire il suo secondo impianto di riciclo delle batterie agli ioni di litio. Il nuovo impianto avrà una capacità di lavorazione di 100.000 tonnellate/anno di materiali per batterie, cinque volte più grande rispetto al primo stabilimento. L’impianto tratterà materiali di scarto da fine vita e di produzione per produrre nichel, cobalto, manganese e idrossido di litio di grado batteria per il mercato nordamericano.
Il progetto, che partirà il 1° gennaio 2025, prevede partenariati con BASF, Siemens, Clemson University e Argonne National Laboratory. Si prevede che l’impianto creerà 1.200 posti di lavoro nella costruzione e 300 posti di lavoro nelle operazioni. ABTC ha una partnership strategica con BASF per l’acquisto dei suoi metalli di grado batteria, stabilita nell’estate del 2023.
American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) ha conseguido un contrato de subvención de 144 millones de dólares del Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos para construir su segunda planta de reciclaje de baterías de iones de litio. La nueva planta tendrá una capacidad de procesamiento de 100,000 toneladas/año de materiales para baterías, cinco veces más grande que su primera instalación. La planta procesará materiales de desecho de fin de vida y de fabricación para producir níquel, cobalto, manganeso e hidróxido de litio de grado para baterías para el mercado norteamericano.
El proyecto, que comenzará el 1 de enero de 2025, involucra asociaciones con BASF, Siemens, Clemson University y Argonne National Laboratory. Se espera que la planta genere 1,200 empleos en construcción y 300 empleos en operaciones. ABTC tiene una asociación estratégica con BASF para la compra de sus metales de grado para baterías, establecida en el verano de 2023.
아메리칸 배터리 테크놀로지 컴퍼니 (NASDAQ: ABAT)는 미국 에너지부로부터 1억 4천4백만 달러의 보조금 계약을 확보하여 두 번째 리튬 이온 배터리 재활용 시설을 건설할 예정입니다. 새로운 시설은 배터리 자재의 연간 10만 톤의 처리 능력을 갖추게 되며, 이는 첫 번째 공장보다 다섯 배 더 큽니다. 이 시설은 사용 종료 및 제조 스크랩 자재를 처리하여 북미 시장을 위한 배터리급 니켈, 코발트, 망간 및 수산화 리튬을 생산합니다.
2025년 1월 1일부터 시작되는 이 프로젝트는 BASF, Siemens, Clemson University 및 Argonne National Laboratory와의 협력을 포함합니다. 이 시설은 1,200개의 건설 일자리와 300개의 운영 일자리를 창출할 것으로 예상됩니다. ABTC는 2023년 여름에 설립된 BASF와 배터리급 금속 구매에 대한 전략적 파트너십을 체결했습니다.
American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) a obtenu un contrat de subvention de 144 millions de dollars du Département de l’énergie des États-Unis pour construire sa deuxième installation de recyclage de batteries lithium-ion. La nouvelle installation aura une capacité de traitement de 100 000 tonnes/an de matériaux de batteries, cinq fois plus grande que leur première usine. L’installation traitera des matériaux en fin de vie et des déchets de fabrication pour produire du nickel, du cobalt, du manganèse et de l’hydroxyde de lithium de qualité batterie pour le marché nord-américain.
Le projet, qui commence le 1er janvier 2025, implique des partenariats avec BASF, Siemens, la Clemson University et l’Argonne National Laboratory. On prévoit que l’installation créera 1 200 emplois dans la construction et 300 emplois dans les opérations. ABTC a un partenariat stratégique avec BASF pour l’achat de ses métaux de qualité batterie, établi à l’été 2023.
American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) hat einen Zuschussvertrag über 144 Millionen US-Dollar vom US-Energieministerium gesichert, um ihre zweite Recyclinganlage für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien zu bauen. Die neue Anlage wird eine Verarbeitungskapazität von 100.000 Tonnen/Jahr an Batteriematerialien haben, fünfmal so groß wie die erste Anlage. Die Anlage wird Altbatterien und Produktionsabfälle verarbeiten, um batterietaugliches Nickel, Kobalt, Mangan und Lithiumhydroxid für den nordamerikanischen Markt zu produzieren.
Das Projekt, das am 1. Januar 2025 beginnen soll, beinhaltet Partnerschaften mit BASF, Siemens, der Clemson University und dem Argonne National Laboratory. Es wird erwartet, dass die Anlage 1.200 Bauarbeitsplätze und 300 Betriebsarbeitsplätze schaffen wird. ABTC hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit BASF über den Kauf seiner batterietauglichen Metalle, die im Sommer 2023 gegründet wurde.
The technological approach employed by ABAT stands out for its innovation in battery recycling. Unlike traditional high-temperature smelting or basic shredding methods, their proprietary de-manufacturing and chemical extraction processes demonstrate superior efficiency in producing battery-grade materials. The involvement of former Tesla Gigafactory engineers adds credibility to their technical capabilities. The partnership with Siemens and Argonne National Laboratory suggests robust technological validation. The ability to process various end-of-life materials while producing high-purity nickel, cobalt, manganese and lithium hydroxide positions ABAT at the forefront of sustainable battery recycling technology.
This development significantly strengthens North America’s battery supply chain security. The timing is strategic, aligning with growing EV adoption and increasing demand for recycled battery materials. The partnership network, including BASF, Siemens and research institutions, creates a robust ecosystem for market expansion. The facility’s scale addresses a critical market gap in domestic battery recycling capacity. The project’s focus on sustainable manufacturing and community engagement also aligns with current ESG investment trends. This positions ABAT to capture a significant share of the rapidly growing battery recycling market, estimated to reach billions globally.
Reno, Nev., Dec. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —
American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT), an integrated critical battery materials company that is commercializing its technologies for both primary battery minerals manufacturing and secondary minerals lithium-ion battery recycling, has received a contracted grant award for
This facility will be the company’s second commercial-scale lithium-ion battery recycling facility and will process approximately 100,000 tonnes/year of battery materials from its automotive OEM, cell manufacturer, and community partners. This facility will intake a wide variety of end-of-life and manufacturing scrap materials, and will output battery grade nickel, cobalt, manganese, and lithium hydroxide products to be sold to the North American market. ABTC entered into a strategic partnership agreement with BASF in Summer 2023, one of the premier cathode manufacturers in North America, for the purchase of its battery grade metals.
“We are extremely proud to have been awarded this highly competitive grant contract from the U.S. DOE, and it will directly support the additional capacity required to process the quantity of materials demanded from the domestic automotive and battery industry,” stated American Battery Technology Company CEO Ryan Melsert. “We are excited to be further scaling our internally-developed recycling technologies and expanding domestic supply of unrealized, in-demand, recycled, battery grade, sustainably-manufactured materials.”
This second facility is designed to scale fivefold the company’s first recycling facility and will implement its internally-developed processes for the strategic de-manufacturing and targeted chemical extraction of battery grade products at competitive costs and with low environmental footprint. These processes have already been demonstrated to produce battery grade products that meet the rigorous specifications set by cathode refining customers and are fundamentally different than conventional methods of battery recycling, which generally utilize either high temperature smelting or non-strategic shredding systems.
The company has leveraged its in-house ABTC R&D, project management, and engineering team members, many of whom were previously members of the founding Tesla Gigafactory design and engineering teams, to scale and de-risk ABTC’s commercialization of this second battery recycling facility.
True to the company’s strategic model to engage a diverse portfolio of partners and stakeholders to bring advanced battery technologies online and establish a commercial battery metals supply chain for North America, this project will leverage multiple partners including feedstock supplier and critical mineral product offtaker BASF, global engineering firm Siemens, the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR), the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ReCell Center, the Argonne National Laboratory Sustainable Transportation Education & Partnerships (STEP) department, and the South Carolina Electric Transportation Network (SCETNetwork).
Through this new facility construction project, ABTC will employ a proactive, community-driven engagement model to build an energy equity, sustainable circular manufacturing ecosystem that aims to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 operations jobs. The company will work in direct partnership between communities, educational institutions, industry, government, the National Laboratory system, and the next generation workforce to support equitable and sustainable initiatives that benefit and strengthen in local communities, including in underserved communities that have historically been left behind.
“I’m personally very proud of our internal teams for the preparation of this proposal, performance during the due diligence rounds, and proficiency in the rapid contracting of this competitive award,” Melsert continued.
The contracted grant award will commence on January 1, 2025.
About American Battery Technology Company
American Battery Technology Company (ABTC), headquartered in Reno, Nevada, has pioneered first-of-kind technologies to unlock domestically manufactured and recycled battery metals critically needed to help meet the significant demand from the electric vehicle, stationary storage, and consumer electronics industries. Committed to a circular supply chain for battery metals, ABTC works to continually innovate and master new battery metals technologies that power a global transition to electrification and the future of sustainable energy.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are “forward-looking statements.” Although the American Battery Technology Company’s (the “Company”) management believes that such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that such expectations are, or will be, correct. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause the Company’s future results to differ materially from those anticipated. Potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, risks and uncertainties related to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern; general economic conditions and conditions affecting the industries in which the Company operates; the uncertainty of regulatory requirements and approvals; fluctuating mineral and commodity prices. Additional information regarding the factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements is available in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2024. The Company assumes no obligation to update any of the information contained or referenced in this press release.
ABAT’s new facility will have a processing capacity of 100,000 tonnes/year of battery materials, which is five times larger than their first recycling plant.
The contracted grant award will commence on January 1, 2025.
The new facility is expected to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 permanent operations jobs, totaling 1,500 new positions.
The facility will produce battery-grade nickel, cobalt, manganese, and lithium hydroxide products for the North American market.
Key partners include BASF, Siemens, Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research, and Argonne National Laboratory.
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