The new FX network television series “American Sports Story,” which tells the tragic story of troubled late NFL player Aaron Hernandez, is generating buzz on Twitter for how legendary tight end Rob Gronkowski is portrayed during his time with the New England Patriots. Gronkowski was able to respond to the viral clip in an interview with Kay Adams on “Up and Adams.”
Take a look at the legendary retired tight end laughing at the footage from American Sports Story and telling fans that he is long-time friends with actor Laith Wallschleger in real life and he feels the portrayal was “over the top but fit the show perfectly.”
Gronk goes on to explain that Wallschleger is his “double” in the film world and has portrayed him numerous times previously, so it seems he was a natural pick for the role in “American Sports Story.”
Fans on Twitter quickly responded to Gronkowski’s reaction to the viral clip from the show, noting that Wallscheleger makes a great stand-in and his over-the-top performance had them laughing out loud: