Taipei, Taiwan CNN — Former US President Donald Trump raised eyebrows last week whe
Getty ImagesDonald Trump, whose time in office made him a pariah to many in the business world, has found new champions among tech leaders as his path back to t
CHICAGO, April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- (MRO Americas) Pratt & Whitney, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, today announced details of its North American Technolo
ThemeIn recent years there has been an explosion in the creation and growth of Latin America’s tech enterprise ecosystem and startups, a promising mechan
CB650R & CBR650R Bring Honda E-Clutch Technology to the U.S. Powersports Market July 23, 2024 — ALPHARETTA, Georgia Honda’s middleweight sport and sta
U.S. regulators are investigating why Delta Air Lines failed to recover as quickly as other airlines from a global technology breakdown and whether Delta's trea
Native trees adapt to the climate and environmental conditions of their area to survive. Researchers in the VA Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment
While most of the world was grappling with the blue screen of death on Friday, one country that managed to escape largely unscathed was China.The reason is actu
The onshoring of battery manufacturing for EVs started as a trickle during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then it turned into a tsunami. In 2019, just two battery fac
Transport providers, businesses, hospitals and governments on Saturday are rushing to get all their systems back online after long disruptions following a wide
CNN — Operations are gradually being restored but delays continue for a second day
Alison Baulos says her 73-year-old father was about to head to a Kentucky hospital for open-heart surgery when it was abruptly canceled early Friday morning. Hi