
U.S. economy adds 142,000 jobs in August and unemployment rate…

Posted by September 6, 2024

Hiring by America’s employers picked up a bit in August from July’s sluggish pace, and the unemployment rate dipped for the first time since March in a sign

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America is short by 800,000 jobs—but most investors aren’t worried

Posted by August 21, 2024

Revisions to previously released jobs numbers have become increasingly common in recent years, but this week, investors and economists witnessed the largest rev

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U.S economy delivers another healthy month of hiring

Posted by July 5, 2024

America’s employers delivered another healthy month of hiring in June, adding 206,000 jobs and once again displaying the U.S. economy’s ability to withstand

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High interest rates take a bite out of hiring as…

Posted by May 3, 2024

The nation’s employers pulled back on their hiring in April, adding a modest 175,000 jobs in a sign that persistently high interest rates may be starting to t

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